Thursday January 16, 2019 (Pittsburgh, PA)
oggi equity is pleased to announce the hiring of its new Director of Global Operations, Brett Evans, as of March 1, 2019. Brett brings to oggi equity 15 years of Federal Government Law Enforcement and training experience as well as 5 years of corporate security experience. Brett is a former member of the United States Federal Air Marshals and Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) Team for the Federal Government. Evans brings a wealth of experience and knowledge in both domestic and international high risk environments. Evans will be tasked with overseeing and implementing the global expansion initiative for oggi equity.
oggi equity is also pleased to announce that it is tasking Brian W. Roche as an advisor and training facilitator for its newly created maritime based force protection unit. Roche is the former Captain of the Port for the United States Coast Guard in Buffalo, NY and served as the head of the maritime task unit during the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland Ohio. The RNC was designated as National Special Security Event (NSSE). Prior to Roche’s appointment as a Captain he served in Coast Guard Sector Baltimore as the Deputy Sector Commander. Roche will be responsible for training the oggi equity maritime force protection unit that will be deployed to international vessels in an effort to counter piracy and other global maritime security concerns.
About oggi equity: We are a fully operational security logistics solution for a variety of clients and security concerns. We are growing domestically, and envision global ventures, in risk management and security logistics with services and products under development to create a network of global affiliates, lead through branding, and expand our clients; financial institutions, governments, religious facilities, maritime, cybersecurity, currency logistics, combined with specially-developed training, software and telecommunication consultancy, and more. We are mindful and committed and care about our clients, team, and shareholders.
CONTACT: Gary Morrison