Friday, December 7th 2018 (Pittsburgh, PA)
oggi equity is pleased to announce that its wholly owned division, Pearsco Solutions, will be facilitating and designing a maritime based law enforcement training exercise in May, 2019.
This training exercise will incorporate law enforcement agencies with the United States Government, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the City of Erie. It will focus on preparing the agencies for potential threats that may occur at the Tall Ships Erie® festival scheduled to be held August 22-25, 2019 in Erie, Pennsylvania.
“We are very pleased to be leading this training opportunity and working with agencies such as the U.S. Coast Guard and City of Erie S.W.A.T to be able to prepare them for maritime based threats involving vessels that are not normally part of their training program,”
– Marnie Sutch, CEO of oggi equity.
The training to be designed and facilitated is considered Sensitive Security Information and details will be very limited for public disclosure.
About oggi equity
We are a fully operational security logistics solution for a variety of clients and security concerns. We are growing domestically, and envision global ventures, in risk management and security logistics with services and products under development to create a network of global affiliates, lead through branding, and expand our clients; financial institutions, governments, religious facilities, maritime, cybersecurity, secured transportation logistics, combined with specially-developed training, software and telecommunication consultancy, and more. We are mindful and committed and care about our clients, team, and shareholders.
About Pearsco
Pearsco Solutions is a security consulting agency with an expertise in maritime based special events.
CONTACT: Gary Morrison